When Should You Remove a Tree With a Hole in Its Trunk?


If you take a walk through a wood or forest, you'll likely see a number of trees with holes in them. Many of these holes are home to animals such as birds and squirrels. Holes form due to damage such as lightning damage or large limb loss during a storm. And if a tree can't heal the damage in time, decay-causing organisms enter the wound and eventually cause a cavity to form.

In the wild, such trees are beneficial. But in an urban environment, trees with holes in them can become a danger to their surroundings. If your tree has a hole in it, you may need to remove it. First, look for the following signs.

The hole has moisture inside it

If the hole in your tree is moist to the touch, this suggests that there is active rot. If the hole is small, you may not yet have anything to worry about. However, if the hole is large, active rot is a bad sign because the hole will continue to grow in size until the tree fails.

The hole is infested with pests like carpenter ants

If you find evidence of wood-eating pests, such as termites, or wood-inhabiting pests, like carpenter ants, removal is probably a good idea. This is especially true if you can't see the true extent of the damage that the pests have caused.

The hole is close to the base of the tree

If the hole is close to the base of the tree, then that tree will likely become a safety hazard at some point in the future. A severe storm could cause the tree to buckle at the base and topple on its surroundings.

The hole is close to a large branch connection

If a hole is close to a large branch connection, then it is only a matter of time before that large branch fails. You could just remove the large branch, but your tree might not survive the loss of one of its largest branches.

The tree in question is a weak-wooded species

Some tree species have naturally weak wood that doesn't cope well with internal decay. If your tree is a weak-wooded species such as a silver maple, a boxelder, a weeping willow or a red mulberry tree, then removal is probably the best approach.

The best thing to do if you see a cavity or hole in your tree is to hire an arborist to assess your tree. Only then can you be sure if removal is the best cause of action. Contact a tree removal service today to learn more.


22 April 2021

Saving Unhealthy Trees: Tricks, Strategies, Tips and More

Seeing a tree die can be sad, especially if it's the only shade tree in your yard, a tree you grew up climbing or a once bountiful fruit tree. However, surprisingly, many trees that people seem to give up on can actually be saved. I hate the idea of anyone losing a tree, so I decided to start a blog. This blog is going to have tips I have learned as a lifelong gardener as well as things I have learned while researching trees and botany in general. I hope you like these posts and that they eventually help you save a few trees!