Trees to Avoid: 6 Trees You Might Regret Planting in Your Garden


A garden that lacks trees is also a garden that lacks all the good that trees can offer, such as shade, good air quality and a better looking garden. However, whatever your ultimate goals for your garden, you should always research your current and future trees carefully, otherwise they might spring a surprise on you.

If you've just moved into a house surrounded by trees, or are planning on planting trees around your current home, here are 6 trees you should be wary of.

Trees that Stink Out Your Garden

Some tree species, such as the ornamental Bradford Pear, may be pretty to look at, but when spring rolls around and they begin flowering, or producing fruit in late autumn, you might wonder how such pretty things can stink so badly.

The Bradford Pear

Native to China, Vietnam, Korea, Taiwan and Japan, the Bradford Pear is a fast growing tree with a lifespan of around 2–25 years. It also produces beautiful white blossoms in spring. However, though a Bradford Pear in full bloom is pretty, the stench those blooms give off can deter you from spending time in your garden during the spring months. Descriptions of the scent range from cat pee to rotting fish.

The Gingko Baloba

Another tree that hails from China, the Gingko Baloba, like the Bradford Pear, is an ornamental tree that is prized by some for its attractive umbrella-like shape. However, the female Gingko Baloba produces fruit in late autumn, and these fruit give off a stench that might remind you of putrid cheese or worse—vomit.

Trees that are a Safety Hazard

Some trees might also be dangerous to have around, especially during the stormy months of September and October when powerful winds can bring trees down.

The Tree of Heaven

Despite its name, this tree can cause dermatitis and burns due to the toxicity of its bark and seeds. If you have children, this is one tree you should avoid because your children may come into contact with its poisonous bark or seeds.

Eucalyptus Tree

A native of Australia, eucalyptus trees can grow up to 10 feet per year, thus providing a garden with shade not long after planting. They are, however, notoriously fragile. Even in calm conditions, branches can sometimes break off and fall indiscriminately on whatever or whoever is below them.

Trees that Harm Their Surroundings

Certain species of trees don't belong in gardens simply because they are messy or have roots that invade the surrounding area like marauding tentacles.

Silver Maple

This is another tree that can provide shade quickly, growing up to 3 feet per year to a maximum height of about 70 feet. You should avoid this tree because its shallow root system tears up pavements, fences and even invades sewage pipes because of its love of moisture. If you don't want your pipes clogged with tree roots, avoid this tree or remove it as soon as possible should it already be a member of your garden club.

Mulberry Tree

Birds just love mulberries and will devour the fruit of this tree until they are bursting with purple-tinted mulberry poop. That might not bother you until you look into your garden to find your lawn, garden furniture and patio splattered with purple bird droppings. These trees also attract hordes of insects.

Contact a tree management service you have questions about the trees you wish to plant or about the trees currently in your garden.


10 February 2017

Saving Unhealthy Trees: Tricks, Strategies, Tips and More

Seeing a tree die can be sad, especially if it's the only shade tree in your yard, a tree you grew up climbing or a once bountiful fruit tree. However, surprisingly, many trees that people seem to give up on can actually be saved. I hate the idea of anyone losing a tree, so I decided to start a blog. This blog is going to have tips I have learned as a lifelong gardener as well as things I have learned while researching trees and botany in general. I hope you like these posts and that they eventually help you save a few trees!