Useful Inspection Tips to Help Determine Whether or Not to Remove a Tree


Trees can bring lots of essential benefits to your home's yard. Trees can add to the yard's beauty, keep the air cleaner, help control soil erosion, and provide shade to cool the outdoor environment. However, trees may sometimes need to be removed to prevent the hazards they pose if left standing in your yard.

Trees are valued commodities; therefore, you will need to be sure that you are making the right decision before embarking on any tree removal endeavor.Here are a few useful tips to help when you are inspecting a tree to decide on whether or not it should be eliminated from your yard.

Leaves and branches

A tree that has lots of green leaves definitely looks beautiful and healthy. Due to disease, however, the leaves on a tree may dry out prematurely or be discolored. In some other cases, the disease may affect the growth of branches, causing them to be dry and weak. This can be particularly dangerous if your house is located nearby the tree, as large, dry branches may fall off at any time and harm unsuspecting children or pets playing outside. While a qualified arborist may help you to lop diseased branches, you will have to cut down the entire tree if most of its branches have been severely weakened by disease.

Tree trunk

Fungal growth on the tree trunk is a sure sign of internal rot. When butt rot disease, for example, spreads up the trunk of a tree from the ground, it causes decay, which weakens the root system and compromises the ability of the tree to stand vertically. With a bit of external influences such as strong winds, trees plagued with severe fungal attacks can lean dangerously because their roots will not be strong enough to keep them firmly held in the ground. Hence, trees with excessive fungal growth on their trunks should be removed to reduce the risk of a fall.

Surrounding conditions

Trees growing in rocky, sloppy or water-logged areas usually have shallow roots because the environment is unfavorable for them to extend their roots deep into the ground, making them weak and likely to fall. Or maybe, the construction of new homes near trees might have led to root-cutting or loss of the soil's compactness. The trees might have consequently become weak, calling for removal. Also, if the tree is growing into electricity lines, it is certainly a deathtrap, and it will be best to get rid of it as soon as you possibly can.

For help evaluating your trees, contact a local tree removal service or visit websites like


12 February 2016

Saving Unhealthy Trees: Tricks, Strategies, Tips and More

Seeing a tree die can be sad, especially if it's the only shade tree in your yard, a tree you grew up climbing or a once bountiful fruit tree. However, surprisingly, many trees that people seem to give up on can actually be saved. I hate the idea of anyone losing a tree, so I decided to start a blog. This blog is going to have tips I have learned as a lifelong gardener as well as things I have learned while researching trees and botany in general. I hope you like these posts and that they eventually help you save a few trees!