Three Options for Residential Tree Removal


Trees are valuable assets in residential property because they enhance the aesthetics of the landscape. Unfortunately, the plants can become a liability, especially after maturity. Diseased and damaged trees will pose a risk to people because they can accidentally fall, causing injuries and fatalities. Trees that are close to the residential structure are also hazardous because they will damage the building if they shift during inclement weather. Therefore, tree removal is necessary to prevent the potential risks to property as well as the people.

29 September 2015

When Does a Tree Need to Be Cut Down Versus Simply Trimmed?


Trimming dead tree branches allows the tree to grow more healthy and vibrant. It allows the tree to get more air and moisture, and it also removes any spreading decay. However, sometimes a tree is damaged or unhealthy beyond repair and may need to be removed altogether. There are times when even a healthy tree should be removed rather than having the branches trimmed. Note when a tree may need to be cut down versus simply cut back.

1 September 2015

What To Avoid When Cutting Limbs From A Tree


Cutting large limbs from a tree is very different from pruning smaller branches. A limb is a large, supporting arm and care must be taken to cut it correctly. The way that the limb is cut off will affect how the tree repairs itself. You can see trees that have been incorrectly cut as the damage will last for as long as the tree is alive. Badly cut limbs can also make the tree look unsightly.

1 September 2015

A Quick Guide to Safe and Effective Tree Lopping


If you've decided to handle your own tree lopping or pruning, you want to ensure you do it safely and effectively. You want to preserve the life and health of the tree. Before you get out your saws and ladder and start hacking away at a tree on your property, note a few simple tips that will guide you through the process. 1. Know when to prune If you were to prune or trim a tree during growing season, this could affect the health of the tree.

27 August 2015